Student Life

Katelyn prepares for her first flight.

Katelyn prepares for her first flight.

Sample Middle School Schedule

7:45 Arrival & Sign in
8:00 English Language Arts (ELA)
9:00 Social Studies
10:00 Math
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Study Hall
1:00 Science
2:00 American Sign Language (ASL)
3:00 Dismissal & Pick-Up

Sample High School Schedule

7:45 Arrival & Sign in
8:00 Speech
9:00 AP U.S. History
10:00 Algebra II
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Study Hall
1:00 AP Literature
2:00 Honors Chemistry
3:00 American Sign Language (ASL)
4:00 Dismissal & Pick-Up

Vision boards help keep us focused.

Vision boards help keep us focused.

Senior brunch 2019 at Grams’ house.

Senior brunch 2019 at Grams’ house

A welcoming and relaxing environment.

A welcoming and relaxing environment

Room to sit and study.

Room to sit and study

Student Expectations

We take both behavior and academic success very seriously. While MLA thrives in a relaxed, family-like atmosphere, we have high expectations for how students treat each other, their teachers, their school, and their approach to academics. Whenever behavior, or academic effort falls below these expectations, disciplinary action will be taken. We do not follow a set of rigid rules for actions and consequences. The written expectations are our guidelines, and every instance is viewed on its own merits and mitigating circumstances. Every effort is made to consult parents, and to be understanding as to the history and context of the actions and to be fair and balanced in assigning consequences. Ultimately, we will always err on the side of student safety, and in the best interests of insuring success for all of our students. For these reasons, MLA reserves the right to remove any student whose behavior is disruptive or detrimental to the learning environment, or safety and welfare of the students.

Class of 2018

Class of 2018!

Mr. Hites freshman science class.

Mr. Hites freshman science class!

Canvas painting at Outside the Lines in Dawsonville.

Canvas painting at Outside the Lines in Dawsonville!

Beautiful high school ladies!

Beautiful high school ladies!